The love is great, she's all over you and you're showing her off to your friends.
Everything seems fine and dandy but this has been going on for a while, there are certain things that seem a little bit off , and for this reason, you're reading this article.
You're not sure whether these are actually things you should be worried about or whether your girlfriend is obsessed over you now hopefully by the end of your perusal on the Obsessive behaviours women exhibit that are HUGE red flags, you will be able to throw some light on whether you should be concerned or not.
obsessive love can feel flattering at first but after a while it can become an unhealthy connection what are the signs that your girlfriend is obsessed with you?
Here are top signs your girlfriend is obsessed with you and how you can tackle it.
1. she'll never let you go out without her: If your girlfriend expects you to go out with her all the time it might be a very positive sign that she's obsessed with you. at first, it may be fun or it may even seem so cute because the love is fresh and both of you can't get enough of each other. but if your girlfriend always wants to go out with you all the time, go on vacations with you or be around you all the time and maybe stemming from deep rooted insecurity, it's either she doesn't trust you enough to go out without her or she doesn't like spending time on her own and either of these aren't things to laugh about.
A healthy relationship should have both partners being able to freely enjoy their own time together or apart with their own friends and in their own space without too much trouble.
2. she's dependent on you: To be happy now is a lot of weight to carry on your shoulders to be honest because I personally believe another person's happiness should never be your responsibility happiness should come from within, it should emanate from being content with ourselves and circumstances. One cannot feel happy all the time and that's a fact but one should be able to find joy in the little things in the daily routine without expecting another person to create the feeling for them.
If your girlfriend expects you to make her happy all the time if she needs you to be with her all the time and can't enjoy life without you then you may be sitting on a big problem. because guess what? you're not going to be able to live up to that expectation and soon you might begin to feel stifled.
if each of you have your own lives however and can enjoy your time apart as well as together that's a healthy balance that every relationship should aspire to have. You need to know that as soon as partners begin to depend heavily on one another to be happy the relationship ceases to be healthy and it becomes co-dependent.
Co-dependent relationships are not healthy because it's really just impossible to make someone else happy all the time you're not god it's impossible for you to do that.
3. she doesn't trust you: Does your girlfriend constantly accuse you of cheating on her if she doesn't trust you and accuses you of cheating even when you haven't it may be a sign that she's obsessed with you you see, if she's constantly checking up on you, accusing you of cheating, demanding that you prove your love to her, it may be a sign of something deeper something way deeper.
If you've maybe given her a reason to doubt you maybe you've cheated before then of course trust issues are understandable to some degree and in that case then maybe you have to do everything in your power to prove to her that you are indeed trustworthy but if you haven't given her a reason to doubt you and she's still questioning your every move that's when things become really unhealthy very quickly and you might want to like raise a red flag right there and start to look into things because it makes no sense.
4. she wants to know your parents and friends right away
If your girlfriend wants to know your parents and friends right away and start spending time with them as well it may be a sign that she's obsessed with you your relationship should progress at a natural pace if your girlfriend wants to know your loved ones immediately it may be a sign that she doesn't have enough going on in her life or wants to immediately see signs of some kind of commitment on your side and she feels like getting close to your family will give her that assurance.
Your partner should have her own life her own friends and if she's trying to constantly spend time with your friends and your family it should be a cause for concern really because why is she in such a hurry, why is she trying to get their approval so quickly. I mean if it's been a few months of dating and you haven't introduced her to any friends or family then I kind of understand where she's coming from, i mean at some point you need to take the plunge and introduce her right so she knows that you're actually serious about her you're letting her into your inner circle. Anything outside this parameter though is pure obsession and must not be entertained.
5. she stalks you in social media:
if your girlfriend has a constant urge to check out your social media accounts, it may be a sign that she's obsessed with you. Now don't get me wrong it's completely normal and harmless to check your partner's social media accounts we all do that at least once in a while but if she's constantly checking out your social media accounts monitoring who you follow with who or whose page you're commenting on or whose posts you're liking, or right and then she'll question you about it. Then the question you should ask yourself is what is she really trying to find out?
It could be a sign that she doesn't trust you and she's trying to learn more about you with or without your help or your knowledge. The dangerous part about this is she may also come to conclusions easily without all the important backstories that could give your friendly or overly friendly comments some much needed context.
While I agree that there should be some boundaries for people in relationships and how they conduct themselves in social media, I also truly believe in freedom of association and freedom of expression provided the partner in question is not being like shady or disrespectful by flirting with other women and sliding into people's "dms" and stuffs like that. One thing you should know is that constantly checking each other's social media doesn't do any of you any favors and to be honest if she cannot help but stalk you on social media, it's an obsessive behavior that needs addressing.
6. she constantly texts or calls you: If you and your partner share a healthy relationship, you should both be okay with some space in your conversations. with an obsessed partner however, you may feel like you have to respond immediately like there's an urgency to her text messages her emails her phone calls, like you need to respond right away.
Her constant communication can be a sign that she needs to be connected to you at all times and this is where the problem starts. This can be a problem if you have a lot going on in your life or if you just want some time for yourself you see there's nothing wrong with like messaging each other text or two throughout the day or you know calling to check in hey everything okay how's your day going kind of thing right but it becomes a problem when you have busy schedules you feel pressured to answer your partner's calls or texts right away even though you've got a lot of things going on at work.
For example, they begin to feel hurt because you couldn't respond to their phone calls or they begin to accuse you of cheating or hanging out with other people or women simply because you didn't respond as soon as they wanted. This is when it gets tricky, for instance you don't reply for ages and they begin to get worried about what you're up to. Meanwhile if you don't even respond to a message for like an hour or two it shouldn't raise concerns like that.
When you tell an obsessive girlfriend that say you're at work and you can't answer her calls right now most likely she won't believe you and if you're not even careful she might even pick a phone and call your office line or call a work colleague you share in office space with just to ask or speak to you that's how obsessive girlfriends can behave and it's completely disconcerting it can completely throw you off and it's troubling as well.
such behavior should not be condoned on any kind of level and when it happens it's you know you need to address it as a matter of urgency before it gets out of hand.
7. She tries to isolate you from friends or family
This can be a serious problem if she expects you to cut off all your friends and family for her sake or for the sake of the relationship is actually something that goes both ways. There's a danger in making one person your everything and I write this not because I don't believe in loving fully but because i believe that human beings are simply fallible.
We don't control the future, we're here today we're gone tomorrow. We're social beings we're created with an innate desire to connect with people. If your girlfriend is constantly telling you to leave your friends or wants to cut you off or cut off contact with your family she may be asking you to do something that you will deeply regret in the future honestly and by this she's also exhibiting a clear sign of obsessive and controlling behavior. I mean how can anyone who means well for you ask you to cut off people who mean so much to you people that she came to meet in your life.
In conclusion you may love your girlfriend dearly but she may exhibit a few of these behaviors that i've highlighted now although it's not a cue for you to immediately call for a breakup it is a cue for you to sit down and have a serious heart-to-heart conversation in the end the decision is entirely up to you you're the only one who can determine if her behavior is bad enough to break up or if maybe there's a possibility that she will change. I believe in open honest and fair chances and in letting love lead.
Therefore, the balls in your court and how you want to deal with it.
To my amazing readers, it's all about what you think, Please share your thoughts.