Write for Us

Flywaterz affords every one a platform in his/her locality to write for us. You can publish your write-ups for FREE on this Blog. Be it Articles, Poems, Story, Opinion, Experience and many others.

Please note that we will keep your details confidential except you give us the permission to make it public. Pictures and Videos of News reported are held in high esteem as that at most times could only be the readily available means to confirm the veracity of your report and hence make our work of publishing it very easy and faster.

We do NOT accept: 

- Writings in form of Advertisement or Promotion( for advertisements, use the Contact Us link or send your requests to flywaterz08@gmail.com).
- Reports obviously targeted at someone to ridicule or tarnish his/her image.
- Reports with adult contents.
- Reports, especially articles that are plagiarized.

Your News or Write-Ups must be accompanied by the following:

1.) Your Full Name
2.) Your Address
3.) Your Phone Number
4.) Your E-mail

Kindly note that NOT all articles will be published. The discretion of our editors and publishers are usually employed in each case. We also have the right to modify your reports/submissions where necessary to suit our reaching audience.

Having satisfied all the Conditions above, you may now proceed to reach us through the following means:



Hotline: +2348078924058

Thank You!

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  1. post a guest blog is responsible to maintain the privacy of your sensitive data. thanks for sharing.


To my amazing readers, it's all about what you think, Please share your thoughts.